Roger, Rosemary and Lucy at the beginning of
Via Cava San Giuseppe. |
seen many Etruscan tombs, walls, statues and pottery in my time, but until
this week I had been largely unaware of the impressive roads the Etruscans
built into the tufa hills around Pitigliano, Sovana and other ancient cities of
Southern Tuscany. Some call them the Vie Cave (excavated streets), others Cavoni
or the Hollow Paths—but by whatever name, these remains of pre-Roman
civilization are well worth seeing.
Some of the steeper paths have carved steps. |
Etruscans were a well-organized society that occupied much of central Italy and
reached their height of influence between 600 and 400 BC. A Via Cava is a
man-made road excavated between two towering tufa walls. In Pitigliano, these
long, shadowy corridors sometimes reach heights of 100 feet (30 meters) and wind
through rocky outcroppings of light, crumbly volcanic stone. On the high
vertical sides, carvings of symbols and numbers from various periods can be observed:
Etruscan, Roman, Medieval and even more modern times.
controversy surrounds the purpose and origins of these pathways. Carlo Rosati,
author of “The Etruscans and the Hollow Paths,” writes, “Techniques of
excavation, period, function and symbology can all be discussed, but every new
theory provokes another contradictory one.”
Here it is easy to see how the roads gradually became deeper. Each time the crumbly tufa wore down in the middle, the road would be re-leveled by digging down to the lowest level. You can see along the edges various higher road levels, as well as the foot- and hoof-pathways worn down in the middle. |
A collapsed tufa boulder with a painting of San
Giuseppe in an overhead niche. |
suggest that the roads were built to connect various necropoli, Etruscan burial
tombs. They speculate that because a necropolis was designed much like an Etruscan
city, the tombs were regarded as houses where the deceased lived on for
eternity in an invisible realm. The city of the dead had to resemble the city
of the living as much as possible, with well defined houses, squares and roads.
Because a necropolis is almost always found at the top of a Via Cava, perhaps
the roads were designed to allow easy transit for the departed souls.
all agree that religion held a fundamental role in Etruscan civilization.
“Every earthly manifestation, like the flight of birds, lightning, the passage
of the sun, the hot springs or the sprouting of a tree was the expression of a
particular deity manifesting his or her will,” Rosati notes. “The most powerful
and important deity—and the one that attracted a following even before the
Etruscans—was Mother Earth, responsible for life, and in this light, the Vie
Cave can be considered as sacred pathways, carved into the earth as a form of
penetration to get nearer to worship the mother divinity.”
This slippery and mossy road is part of the Gradone
Via Cava. |
addition, many sacred symbols and inscriptions were carved by the Etruscans
along the rock walls of the Vie Cave. A sacred well is found in Sovana “inside
which numerous bronze and ceramic objects of marked sacred symbology have been
found,” Rosati points out. “You could say that no one would do a thing like
that at the beginning of a Via Cava without any strong religious motivation.”
scholars hold that the Vie Cave were built for much more practical reasons: To
connect cities with roads in which the grade remained as consistent as possible
to facilitate easy passage. When the builders encountered a hilly outcropping,
they carved a path through it instead of detouring around it or constructing a
steep and dangerous grade that would be nearly impossible to negotiate with a
loaded cart.
One can still see the hoofprints of donkeys as they
carried their loads up the Gradone. |
recently visited four Vie Cave near Pitigliano with my brother Roger, who has
spent much of his life in the road construction business, and I’ve had some
experience in this field as well. We noted that above and below the deep digs,
the roads continued on terrain that was for the most part flat. The need for
the excavated portions seems to us to be the obvious necessity of maintaining a
gradual slope. Since tufa stone is relatively light and crumbly, it wouldn’t have
taken an unreasonable effort to chisel through it. The Egyptians made similar
excavations in much harder granite.
also saw much evidence that the roads were initially not nearly as deep as they
are today. Tufa is delicate rock, and Rosati points out that every 20 years or
so, the center pathways that man and donkeys created had to be re-leveled.
Rather than trying to fill the impressions, the builders would lower the rest
of the road bed. If each improvement process “resulted in the lowering of the
floor by 30 centimeters each time,” he wrote, “we can conclude that it took
centuries for the Vie Cave to reach their current level.”
Lucy peeks out after exploring
a cave in the Poggio Cani Via Cava. |
it is true that often necropoli were located above a Via Cava, we also noted
that the roads continued on to connect one city to the next. It could just be
that the Etruscans liked to build their necropoli at higher locations, which
coincided with the upper portion of a road excavation.
presents both arguments before summarizing: “But perhaps the best thing to do
to draw one’s own conclusions is to immerse oneself in a Via Cava, and, holding
one’s breath, to listen and to savor in silence the spectacle before our eyes,
trying to hear the voices of all the people who passed through here, trying to
merge with the environment and imagining to jump back in time to touch the
mystery and charm of the Etruscan culture.”
advice! Visiting a Via Cava is an evocative experience, prompting us to ponder
the daily lives and activities of Etruscans and to study historical sources to
learn more about this fascinating and once-thriving society that taught the
Romans much of what they knew about engineering.
This old farmhouse is for sale, with a river on three sides and in walking distance of three Etruscan Hollow Roads. It also has a nice view of Pitigliano in the distance. |
Rosemary found the missing signs. |
had some difficulty locating one of the important Vie Cave parking areas. The
guidebooks said it was near the bridge over the River Lente, but they also said
it was well-marked. We found no signage, but upon pulling onto a dirt road near
the bridge, we found all types of signs lying in a pile—waiting for some
construction crew to reinstall them. We found that from this parking area, we
were able to easily reach three Vie Cave, two necropoli and a picnic area at
the Fontana dell’Olmo, the fountain of the elm tree.
La Fontana dell'Olmo |
first explored the Via Cava di San Giuseppe, part of which is now a tunnel
because one side of the tufa wall collapsed and leans against the other side.
In more recent times, a contemporary artist has created a painting of San
Giuseppe in a niche that once housed a fresco now completely crumbled away. The
niche is inclined to match the angle of the subsided tufa wall, which
occasionally needs additional reinforcing because of the crumbly nature of
tufa. The image of San Giuseppe is linked to a typical regional festivity, the torciata, a torchlight procession which
in Pitigliano takes place each year on March 19.
Visit to a cave in the Poggio Cani. |
reach the Via Cava Fratenuti, we had to cross a narrow stream on stepping
stones, requiring some skill in balance and dexterity to keep our feet dry. It
is one of the deepest of the digs. Near its beginning, we also found an
abandoned farm with a sign indicating it is for sale. We walked around in the
yard for 15 minutes, admiring the partly restored farmhouse, fields, courtyards
and outbuildings while remarking on what a fantastic location this would be for
an agriturismo or bed and breakfast. The Lente River loops around and through
it, and it’s within a stone’s throw of three important Vie Cave—in fact, it in
the middle of the intersection of the Poggio Cani and Fratenuti pathways.
for the Poggio Cani Via Cava, we particularly enjoyed exploring some of the
caves we encountered in the tufa walls, which easily allowed us to imagine what
life may have been like for ancient people who used them as burial sites, homes
and wine and tool cellars. We also drove to the Gradone Via Cava, which had a
more pronounced grade on slippery moss-covered rock that was somewhat difficult
to navigate. Here we were able to see hoof marks etched into the road bed that
had been left by donkeys making the steep climb.
Pitigliano |
more time, I would love to explore other excavated Etruscan roads in Sovana and
Sorano, but we had only a few days, and the area has so many other attractions,
such as a Jewish quarter in Pitigliano, hot springs, the ghost town of Vitozzi
next to San Quirico and complex and elaborate tombs in and around Sovana. In
addition, every medium-sized town in the region has museums which feature
topics such as history, archeology, mining and minerology, nature, culture,
wine, oil and various types of art. Even the city centers themselves are works
of art worthy of days of wandering and exploration.
Horses and riders taking an evening stroll in Pitigliano. |
we had read some guidebooks and looked at pictures prior to our visit, nothing
can match personal experience. The lens of the eye is so much more revealing
than that of a camera, and photos can’t compete with the sounds of rustling
tree leaves, bubbling streams, bird songs, horses’ hooves clopping through the
streets or snippets of conversations from the lives of inhabitants. Don’t let
reading about our adventures and looking at these photos substitute from making
your own excursion to Pitigliano and the amazing Maremma.